S925 Sterling Silver Korean Version Niche Design Agate Square EarringsKorean Style Simple and Fashionable Texture Ear Buckle
Showing 41–80 of 148 resultsSorted by latest
▽ Material ▽ Standard 925 sterling silver ▽SIZE▽ The total height of water droplets is 1.1cm * width is 0.8cm Weight approximately 3.62g (Manual measurement, if there is any error, it is purely hand shaking) ▽ Broken Nian ▽
“Material”: 925 silver plated with 18K gold, 925 silver plated with platinum (silvery white), the picture is 18K gold, the diamond is AAA+ zircon, and Opal is artificial stone. 【Size】: The inner diameter of the earring is about 7mm, the diameter of the outer ring is about 9mm, and it is more suitable…
【Material】: Full body 925 silver plated 14K gold (gold), full body 925 silver plated white gold (silver white), inlaid AAA+ zircon 【 Size 】: The ear pin is approximately 11mm in length, 0.7mm in thickness, 13mm in width, 12mm in height, and weighs approximately 1.73g per pair [color]: light yellow gold, white…
Tips: As it is produced and wholesale by our own factory, it requires a lot of manpower to inspect and distribute goods, resulting in low profits. We suggest that customers mix a small amount of batches to check the product style before placing bulk orders, which is suitable for bulk procurement Small issues…
Product name: texture diamond earrings Product material: S925 sterling silver Product technology: polishing Product weight: 6.5 ~ 6.8g. Product size: 19.4MM*34.5MM
Product name: smooth geometric square earrings Product material: S925 sterling silver Product technology: polishing Product weight: 5.3 ~ 5.6g. Product size: 13.7MM*10.7MM
Material: perfect 925 sterling silver Name: Great Love Earrings Color: silvery white/mirror Weight: 10.8G Size: 30mm*29mm Process: electroplating and polishing
【Silver Jewelry Care Must See】 There are many reasons for oxidation and discoloration of silver jewelry, and more popular science can be searched on the Internet. Routine Care Silver jewelry requires frequent care. When it is not that bright, measures should be taken. At this time, the following two methods can be taken:…
[Material]: 925 silver plated with 14K gold, 925 silver plated with white gold, non-allergenic, inlaid with 5A zircon, the picture is 14k gold Size: Big star around 5.8*6.7mm, small star around 7.6*4.6mm, ear pin length around 9mm
温馨提示: 由于是自己工厂生产批发,需要耗费大量人力检货配货,利润低,建议客户批量订货前先少量混批看看产品款式,合适在进行批量进货.(小摩擦等等小问题不属于质量问题,手工制作的饰品多少会有手工制作痕迹,完美主义者慎重下单). 每个人的审美与质量观不同,为避免不必要的争执,请先少量进货觉得合适后再批量订单. 【1】本店支持7天无理由退货,15天有质量问题退货.逾期不能退货. 【2】石,水晶,淡水珍珠会有正常的微瑕疵 【3】如有明显的断裂,划花,掉珠褪色等问题,请提供实物照片给客服申请退货退款处理. 【4】每天发货量大,不能做到每件产品检查到位,亲们收到货先检查下, 有问题及时退回. 【5】图片为实拍,由于光线和显示器不同,有可能出现实拍与图片微色差. 本店商品为925纯银制品,可定制证书. 发货时间:具体发货时间联系客服. 上架的产品或有现货或在生产,亲们拍单后先提交订单号给客服,查下当天有没现货或几时到货.谢谢配合.默认发中通快递.发顺丰须补邮差. 客服在线时间:9:00-12:00/13:30-17:3
【银饰护理必看】 银饰氧化变色的原因很多,更多科普可以在网上搜索一下. 【常规护理】 银饰需要我们经常护理,发现没那么亮的时候,就要采取措施,这时可以采取以下两种办法: 1.使用擦银布,反复擦银饰,擦银布万万不可碰水,因为擦银布上含有上光剂和去污剂 2.用小牙刷蘸取少量无氟牙膏,蘸一点点水,在银饰上刷出泡沫,之后用清水冲洗 【特殊处理】 我们会发现,当银饰严重氧化时,采取以上两种办法效果并不好.这时我们可以使用洗银水来处理.洗银 水虽然效果很明显,但要注意使用方法: 1.将严重氧化的银饰浸泡在洗银水中3-5秒(一下下就行),马上取出后用大量清水冲洗,然后用擦银布擦拭 2.如果银饰局部氧化,不建议将银饰全部浸泡在洗银水内,建议用小毛刷蘸透洗银水,刷在氧化处,马上就 会见效,一样立刻用大量清水冲洗干净,用卫生纸吸干残留在银饰上的水分,最后用擦银布擦拭 【重要提示】 1.虽然进口洗银水号称是”不伤银”的,但是洗银水毕竟是化学制剂,不到必要时,建议不要选择使用.前 期护理比严重氧化后用洗银水好很多.尽量保持银饰干燥,洗澡和睡觉时最好摘下,放密封袋隔绝空气保存. 2.银饰镀金部分谨慎使用!做旧银饰禁止使用! 3.洗银水沾到衣服上,会对衣服造成损伤.请小心谨慎操作在使用过程中有任何疑问,可以通过旺旺或电话联系我们. 声明: 本店产品创作元素部分系从互联网上抓取.这部分作品没有作者署名或署名错误,致使本店无法联系作者本人,亦无法通过事先许可的方式获得授权.由于网络信息量巨大,在取得作者授权方面亦难免出现遗漏.如本店产品创作中涉及著作权版权问题,请作者持相应版权证明与本店联系,经本店核实版权归属后,将依照法律按该产品利润比例支付相关费用. 本店创作首发的产品本店享有著作权保护,均保留诉讼权利. 如发生纠纷,由双方协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方可向卖方所在地即广东省海丰县人民法院提出诉讼.
温馨提示: 由于是自己工厂生产批发,需要耗费大量人力检货配货,利润低,建议客户批量订货前先少量混批看看产品款式,合适在进行批量进货.(小摩擦等等小问题不属于质量问题,手工制作的饰品多少会有手工制作痕迹,完美主义者慎重下单). 每个人的审美与质量观不同,为避免不必要的争执,请先少量进货觉得合适后再批量订单. 【1】本店不支持7天无理由退货,15天有质量问题可换货.逾期不能换货. 【2】石,水晶,淡水珍珠会有正常的微瑕疵 【3】如有明显的断裂,划花,掉珠褪色等问题,请提供实物照片给客服申请退货退款处理. 【4】每天发货量大,不能做到每件产品检查到位,亲们收到货先检查下, 有问题及时退回. 【5】图片为实拍,由于光线和显示器不同,有可能出现实拍与图片微色差. 本店商品为925纯银制品,可定制证书. 发货时间:具体发货时间联系客服. 上架的产品或有现货或在生产,亲们拍单后先提交订单号给客服,查下当天有没现货或几时到货.谢谢配合.默认发中通快递.发顺丰须补邮差. 客服在线时间:9:00-12:00/13:30-17:3
[Material]: 925 silver plated with 14K gold, 925 silver plated with white gold, non-allergic, inlaid with 8 hearts and 8 arrows zircon, the picture is gold [Size]: The length of the ear needle is about 11mm, and the thickness of the ear needle is about 0.7mm [Color]: light gold, white gold [Price]: a…
[Material]: 925 silver plated with 14K gold, 925 silver plated with platinum, non-allergic, the picture is gold [Size] : Zircon diameter is about 6mm [Price]: a pair of price (including sterling silver earplugs) [Maintenance] Sterling silver is plated with 14K gold. Of course, it will oxidize after a long time. Wash it with toothpaste or…
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